Do you like drawing? Do you like singing? Or do you good at dancing? Do you think you have potential in dancing? Or you just fell passionate to dance? Do you get confused? So what is potential? And what is passion? Well, let me explain it to you one by one. Potential is the birth-gift thing God give to you, it is the ability for you to do the things, or we call it as “bakat” in Bahasa Indonesia. While passion is your personal interest to do the things, or in bahasa Indonesia we call it as “minat”.
Potential, as we all have known from the previous session, is related to Johari Window. This theory was proposed by two psychologist, Joseph Luft and Harry (Joe and Harry = Johari), in 1950, and it is used to understand self potential and awareness. This Johari Window has four parts in it; open area, blind area, unknown area, and hidden area.
1. Open area
Also known as "free area" or "public area". It can also be called as the "area of free activity". In this area, information about the person, like behavior, attitude, feelings, emotion, knowledge, experience, skills, views, etc is well known by the person (the self') and known by the team (others). The aim in any team is to develop the 'open area' for every person, because when we work in this area with others we are at our most effective and productive, and the team is at its most productive too. For example I am good at dancing, I have followed some dance competition, and people already know that I am a dancer.
2. Blind areaCan also be called as "blind spot". This blind area is area which is known by others in the group, but is unknown by the person him/herself. It could also be referred to as ignorance about oneself. Not an effective or productive space for individuals or groups. The aim is to reduce this area by seeking or soliciting feedback from others and thereby to increase the open area, i.e., to increase self-awareness. Others and the person itself take responsibility for reducing the blind area - in turn increasing the open area - by giving sensitive feedback and encouraging disclosure. For example, people say that it is possible for me to be a singer because they ever hear me sing. But still, I do not know that I cam sing well. That is why, people give courage to me that I am able to be good singer, and I will try to increase my awareness because of that.
Potential, as we all have known from the previous session, is related to Johari Window. This theory was proposed by two psychologist, Joseph Luft and Harry (Joe and Harry = Johari), in 1950, and it is used to understand self potential and awareness. This Johari Window has four parts in it; open area, blind area, unknown area, and hidden area.
1. Open area
Also known as "free area" or "public area". It can also be called as the "area of free activity". In this area, information about the person, like behavior, attitude, feelings, emotion, knowledge, experience, skills, views, etc is well known by the person (the self') and known by the team (others). The aim in any team is to develop the 'open area' for every person, because when we work in this area with others we are at our most effective and productive, and the team is at its most productive too. For example I am good at dancing, I have followed some dance competition, and people already know that I am a dancer.
2. Blind areaCan also be called as "blind spot". This blind area is area which is known by others in the group, but is unknown by the person him/herself. It could also be referred to as ignorance about oneself. Not an effective or productive space for individuals or groups. The aim is to reduce this area by seeking or soliciting feedback from others and thereby to increase the open area, i.e., to increase self-awareness. Others and the person itself take responsibility for reducing the blind area - in turn increasing the open area - by giving sensitive feedback and encouraging disclosure. For example, people say that it is possible for me to be a singer because they ever hear me sing. But still, I do not know that I cam sing well. That is why, people give courage to me that I am able to be good singer, and I will try to increase my awareness because of that.
3. Hidden areaOr it can be called as "avoided self/area" or "facade". It is the area where potential is known to ourselves but kept hidden from, and therefore unknown, to others. Represents information, feelings, etc, anything that a person knows about him/self, but which is not revealed or is kept hidden from others. Also include sensitivities, fears, hidden agendas, manipulative intentions, secrets - anything that a person knows but does not reveal. Relevant hidden information and feelings, etc, should be moved into the open area through the process of 'self-disclosure' and 'exposure process'. The example is I am able to use sign language, but not lot of people know that I am good at it, because I never show to people that I can do it.
4. Unknown areaIt can be called as "hidden self"', "hidden area" or "avoided self/area". What is known to ourselves but kept hidden from, and therefore unknown, to others. Represents information, feelings, etc, anything that a person knows about him/self, but which is not revealed or is kept hidden from others. Also include sensitivities, fears, hidden agendas, manipulative intentions, secrets - anything that a person knows but does not reveal. To know our potential, we have to do trial and error. For example I want to know whether I have a potential to be a writer or not. Therefore, I try to make some writing to know whether I have capability on it or not.
Potential is supported by motivation, both internal and external motivation. External motivation can influence the potential, but the effect of internal motivation is bigger than external motivation. For example, I want to develop my potential in dancing by joining the dance competition. I have intrinsic motivation, that I could be the best dancer in that competition. My friends also give support to me and say that I am able to win the competition. This could be included as external motivation.
By knowing our potential well and having motivation to develop the potential, we will be able to be brighter than what we ever expect.
So in which part of window you are now?
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